A Storm Approaches – Be Prepared!

Back in August 2014, I wrote a post “Always Be Prepared” after my hometown and surrounding areas were flooded out to the point that major highways were impassible, and hospitals were even closed. What we saw back in the fall in Missouri, and again tonight in Maryland is enough reason for any family, especially living in an urban/suburban area, to consider creating an emergency and evacuation plan…

A storm approaches… Summer 2014

I’ve said it before, shows like “Doomsday Preppers”, in my opinion, has cast a negative light on emergency preparedness within the general population. After all, most people today are accustomed to walking or driving a short distance to the nearest convenience or grocery store for bread, milk, snacks and toiletry items on demand. They can’t imagine a time when they won’t be able to do so. While being preoccupied with laughing at Joe Smith hoarding gas masks and building a fall out shelter under his garage, or Pete Jones building an arsenal fit for any 3rd World Army, they are forgetting about possible every day negative occurrences like natural disasters and localized pockets of civil unrest, or even a personal period of illness or unemployment when funds to purchase food may be scarce!

An obvious consideration many disregard is possible disruption in flow of overland transportation. If trucks cannot pick up in and pass through major cities, it may affect you indirectly when supermarkets, who themselves usually only stock 3 days worth of goods, stop receiving shipments. When Toledo’s water was disrupted, less than 12 hours later overnight, stores all the way out here (35 miles from the city) were already sold out of bottled water! There were reports of scalpers selling $5 cases of bottled water for as much as $25 each! We’ve seen in the past how quickly civility erodes when water, food and other necessities are depleted…

As I stated previously, a good place to start preparing in case of emergency is the American Red Cross. They provide lists of supplies to have on hand, and tips for specific types of emergencies. While they concentrate on natural disasters, your basic human needs are the same regardless of the situation. Agencies across the board recommend AT LEAST a 72 hour stash of supplies, preferably mobile in case of evacuation. 72 hours is a great place to start, and from there, in my opinion, keep going until you reach at least 30 days.

Pinterest offers a plethora of links to sources with thorough supply lists and tips for specific scenarios, too. Here’s a link to our Emergency Preparedness Board. As you can discern from the pins, our biggest threats out here are tornadoes (all these open fields!), and most especially impassible roads and power outage due to blizzard conditions. Winter 2013, there were 3 separate times we were snowed in for more than 24 hours. It was a blessing knowing we had plenty of food and water, and warm clothes, blankets and an alternate cooking method if the power went out, too!

There are many companies out there offering pre-packed mobile 72 hour bucket and backpack kits. A quick Amazon search will yield hundreds of results. Though convenient, these pre-packed kits can be rather pricey. If you have a dehydrator and the time to do so, you can easily make your own dry mix meals and package them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers for long term storage, and invest in some water treatment tablets or a LifeStraw Personal Water Filter for your mobile kits.

Besides the obvious Amazon, a great place to find non-food supplies, like alternate cooking sources and solar crank radios at affordable prices is Sportsman’s Guide. While, as their name suggests, they sell hunting and fishing gear, they also have an excellent selection of military issue surplus and camping goods that could be helpful in an emergency situation.

I could go on about this topic for pages, however, my intention here is to simply encourage you all to start concocting a contingency plan for yourselves and your families, and guide you to some resources, if God forbid, things ever go south for you, regardless of the actual situation that may cause the emergency.

Arctic Adventures…

The past several days have had daytime temps of just at or below zero when wind chill is considered. We’re not having a real good time, and are hoping for some weather at least above freezing as soon as possible! If we could hibernate til mid-March (seed starting!), we would!

I just can’t… even…

We had one very nice 40 degree day a week ago, which melted much of the snow we’d gotten. I’m expecting to see a Zamboni cruise through now though, as the entire center of the yard is a solid sheet of ice… I am thankful that I haven’t fallen yet, but I’ve had a couple close calls. (Don’t ask about the grill frozen to the ground…….)

Our outdoors spigot is frozen, so we’re having to fill individual gallon jugs every few hours to refill frozen waterers and bowls. I try to usher all the birds into the barn every morning to make less work for myself, even carrying some of them!

Brian installed a heat lamp in the garage, which is shining through a divider window into the goat/sheep pen. We’ve been over stuffing the coop with straw, but now have Pecker and Funky taking up residence in our only bathtub/shower. Leghorns like Pecker are not real cold hardy, and she’s got some mild frostbite. Funky was found shivering in the coop, and was brought in- what a time to molt! Thankfully everyone else seems OK thus far, not enough room for 14 chickens in there!

I honestly don’t recall any long, drawn out cold snaps like this any other time in the past but this year and last. Sure, we had some deep snow here and there, or a few very cold days here and there, but just weeks at a time? Especially discouraging when your long time friend is getting ready start planting her veggie garden in Texas!

I think everyone has a little touch of cabin fever over here, including the animals… I’m so ready for spring it’s ridiculous!

Is It Spring Yet? PLEASE???

Last year, a large portion of the country saw a VERY long, record-breakingly bitter cold temps and copious amounts of snow winter. Looks like it will be more of the same into 2015.
I have NEVER been a big fan of the cold or snow, and even more so after I began driving and became a homeowner. Last night, a fellow member of #gardenchat on Twitter reminded us all that “It’s only 129 days until spring!”. That’s 128 too long in my book… The long, cold, dark honestly puts quite a damper on my mood and energy level!
Sunday night, we received our first snow accumulation- about 3/4″. High temps are only expected to be in the 20’s until next Sunday. 3 of our hens, Pecker, Nosy and Dumpster have refused to leave the coop! I have been completely bundling up to complete the simplest of chores outdoors, including my snowpants, boots and Randy Parker style scarf wrapped all around my head (I CAN put my arms down…).
I’ve been trying to keep myself busy between housework and caring for the animals (which takes about twice as long in the winter, I have to carry hot water in gallon jugs from the kitchen sink to thaw the waterers!). In general, I start browsing the new season’s seed catalogs just after the New Year, when the holidays have passed, and finalize and place my order around the first week of February. I am already finding myself looking at this past seasons’ longingly. 
I’ve also been spending quite a bit on time on Pinterest browsing for craft ideas and various recipes to try. I’ve been interested in trying soapmaking for quite some time, perhaps this ridiculously cold weather is trying to tell me to something? Homemade soaps would certainly make nice handmade Christmas gifts…
Speaking of Pinterest and Christmas, I AM going to be trying out a dough ornament recipe I found. I will certainly share the recipe if it works out well for us. I thought giving the tree a new, rustic/old fashioned theme this year might be fun. We’ve already painted some store bought ceramic ornaments, too.
Honestly, I’m a little stumped for unique story ideas lately. It’s much easier to come up with something when nature basically throws them in your lap for you from spring til autumn! Sure, I could post recipe after recipe, but if it gets redundant for myself, I can only imagine what the readers must think (LOL). I’ll thank you in advance! Stay warm out there, folks!
* #gardenchat takes place on Twitter every Monday from 9-10 PM EST. If you’d like to participate, follow @TheGardenChat. You can also use the #gardenchat tag on Facebook and Instagram as well. Lots of great people sharing ideas and gardening knowledge through weekly themes! *